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  • Welcome to Adrian Hitt Dogography

    Thank you for dropping by. If you love dogs and photography, you have come to the right place! I am an award-winning dog photographer based in Nashville, TN and travel nationwide doing what I love most - photographing your beloved dogs and the unique life you share with them. Here you will find sneak peeks into my latest dog art, musings about my rescue dog, Benny, insight from dog experts and a few of our favorite pet products. Be sure to check out favorite dog photos in my portfolio, utilize our list of dog resources, find out more about everyone at Adrian Hitt Photography and drop us a line if you are interested in your own custom dog session. I am your dog photographer for playful, modern works of art. Woof!

Dogs Make Our Lives Whole…

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.


Adrian Hitt is a nationally recognized, award-winning dog photographer who creates modern, playful works of art. Her interest in dog photography is founded in her desire to celebrate and encourage the deep bond that develops between human and animal, parent and dog. In her free time, she photographs dogs awaiting adoption at local rescues and shelters. Her proudest moment? Spending everyday with the inspiration behind her career – Benny a charming -and perfect- lab mix rescue. Adrian lives in Nashville, Tennessee and travels nationwide to photograph America’s beloved pets.

Deejah - May 4, 2010 - 4:15 pm

oh just look at that 1st pic of Zoe! that’s pretty much what i saw the 1st time i met her at the shelter except she was in a tiny room… how could i leave her there?! Dolce actually gave me the deciding factor – they played so well together it would’ve broken my heart to break them apart =) since then i’m sure there have been times he’s wondered when she’s leaving, just like any sibling! but he plays his big brother (well, older brother) role well and looks out for her, and she teases him & pulls his tail!

Betsy - May 5, 2010 - 12:04 pm

Such a great pic of Zoe!!! The photographer really caught her personality!!

All You Wanted to Know About Mange, but Were Afraid to Ask

Welcome back!  I want to thank all of my loyal readers! Okay, there may be only ONE reader, Lexi, but maybe someone else read my column and didn’t have any comments.  Well that’s possible, isn’t it?  I’m going to keep writing, anyway, at least until Adrian makes me quit.

Lexi wanted me to discuss Mange in dogs, which fortuitously I know all about, and I don’t have to make anything up.  In fact, I’ve always been fascinated by parasitology, which always makes for good conversation at cocktail parties.  If you pay attention to the following, you too, will find yourself attracting a crowd at your next social gathering.

Interesting Cocktail Party Conversation Topic #1:  Beauty is Only Skin Deep

Let me first say that I hate the name, “mange.” I don’t know where that name came from, but I try not to call it that. There are two diseases in dogs that are called “mange.”  The only thing that they have in common is that they are both caused by microscopic skin mites.  But NOT THE SAME MITE.

First, I’m going to tell you all about Sarcoptic mange, also known as scabies in humans. This is a highly contagious disease caused by microscopic mites called Sarcoptes scabiei.   Here’s what one looks like:

Cute huh?

The male mites live on the surface of the skin. The females will burrow under the top layers of the skin forming tunnels and laying eggs along the tunnels. The female dies after laying her eggs. (Bummer) The eggs hatch into larvae and then molt into nymphs. When the nymphs reach the adult stage they return to the surface of the skin, mate, and the cycle starts over again. The entire life cycle of the mite is three weeks long.

The mites create small red bumps at the dogs’ elbows, ankles, chest, abdomen and the edges of the ears. The infected dog will scratch and bite at his skin causing more skin trauma which can result in a secondary bacterial infection. Advanced infestations will create crusty sores, patchy hair loss, and darkening of the skin. These dog mites will infect human skin, but I guess human skin doesn’t exactly get the cute little girl mite in the “mood” and they cannot reproduce on people.

Humans can develop a rash with very itchy red bumps, often under tight areas of clothing. This rash will go away on it’s own after a few days. The good news about Sarcoptic Mange is that it’s very easily treated and cured.

Now, let’s talk about the second type of mange. I prefer to call it Demodicosis. This can be a much more serious skin disease for dogs. Though a microscopic mite is also involved, a significant factor in the onset set of this skin disease is the dog’s defective immune system and genetic makeup. Demodex canis mites look like this:

The Demodex mite is often described in veterinary text books as “cigar shaped, “but I’ve never seen a cigar with eight stubby little legs, and I don’t think they would sell very well either.

These mites will live in small numbers on the skin of normal dogs, but for some reason when the dog’s immune system is weak, they reproduce in larger numbers and damage the skin. This can lead to extremely serious bacterial infections.

To confuse you even more, there are two forms of demodicosis.  1) localized and 2) generalized.  With the localized form, a puppy, usually less than one year old, will often develop areas of hair loss around its eyes or on its legs. Eighty five per cent of the time this disease will go away on its own, but about 15 per cent of dogs will develop the much more serious generalized form. The definition for attaining “generalized status” is having more than three areas of the body affected.

These dogs will often develop resistant bacterial infections, which they cannot fight off due their defective immune system. Demodicosis is NOT CONTAGIOUS to other dogs or to people.

Not that many years ago, generalized demodicosis could be a death sentence for my patients, as there were no effective treatments. This is no longer the case. We now have treatments that will control the mites and better antibiotics to control the infections. The course of treatment can, however, be a long one.

So, Lexi, I hope this helps. Maybe you can print this post and show it to the folks at the Dog Park?

Everyone else please feel free to leave your questions and I’ll pick one each month to answer in my column!

Dr. Grif Haber is a fifth generation Nashvillian. Dashing he parents’ hopes that he would become a “real doctor,” he earned his veterinary degree at Purdue University in 1972 and established Murphy Road Animal Hospital P.C. in 1977. With a heart for rescue, he founded Love at First Sight! Puppy and Kitten Adoption Center in 1995 that has since placed thousands of abandoned puppies and kittens into loving homes.

Lexi - April 29, 2010 - 12:06 pm

Thank Dr. Grif Haber I will def. do that!

Adoptable Dog

This past week I shot the cover for the upcoming travel issue of Nashville Paw. I wanted to go ahead and share one of the dogs that was photographed because she is currently looking for a home. Her name is Molly – and let me tell you, I came extremely close to just telling the volunteer from Nashville Humane Association that she could go home with me! She is sooooo sweet and smart! She knows “sit,” “stay,” “down” and possibly others. She is right under one year old and is such a good girl. Heather (editor of Nashville Paw) and I were simply smitten by her.:) A huge thank-you to Linda at Cedarwood for letting us shoot at their beautiful wedding venue!

Adrian Hitt is a nationally recognized, award-winning dog photographer who creates modern, playful works of art. Her interest in dog photography is founded in her desire to celebrate and encourage the deep bond that develops between human and animal, parent and dog. In her free time, she photographs dogs awaiting adoption at local rescues and shelters. Her proudest moment? Spending everyday with the inspiration behind her career – Benny a charming -and perfect- lab mix rescue. Adrian lives in Nashville, Tennessee and travels nationwide to photograph America’s beloved pets.

[…] Adoptable Dog » Pet Dog Photography Adrian Hitt Dog Photo Pet Photographer […]

We interrupt this program…

… to bring you a personal story. Some of you know that I spent last weekend in Oklahoma City to be with my family during a monumentous event! I know this is a dog site, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to share some personal images as I am a very proud aunt! 😛  My sister and brother-in-law made the great decision to adopt 2 1/2 years ago. There are an estimated 132 million orphans in the world (with the majority of those being in Africa), and I am so proud they chose to be a part of the solution. So after a 2 1/2 year wait, they flew to Ethiopia early April. After a L-ONNNG 17 hour flight back to the States, last Friday we all got to meet their most precious, beautiful daughter Abigail. She is 11 months old and the light of their world! Abigail has such an incredibly sweet temperament and spunky personality. I’ve missed her all of this week! Without further ado, meet my niece, miss Abigail…

They FINALLY landed!

She did so great meeting the 30 plus family and friends who came to the airport to meet her!

My favorite family photo of them…

Abigail, although very sweet, can be quite serious.

Wearing her traditional Ethiopian dress. Such a little princess!

And, my favorite of her!

Adrian Hitt is a nationally recognized, award-winning dog photographer who creates modern, playful works of art. Her interest in dog photography is founded in her desire to celebrate and encourage the deep bond that develops between human and animal, parent and dog. In her free time, she photographs dogs awaiting adoption at local rescues and shelters. Her proudest moment? Spending everyday with the inspiration behind her career – Benny a charming -and perfect- lab mix rescue. Adrian lives in Nashville, Tennessee and travels nationwide to photograph America’s beloved pets.

K. Crafton - April 23, 2010 - 6:24 pm

She’s beautiful! Congrats to your family on the new addition!!!!

Mindy - April 23, 2010 - 6:28 pm

Oh my goodness, she is adorable! What a great gift that they already have such awesome images of their new family :)

Kristyn Hogan - April 23, 2010 - 6:45 pm

Aww, what a sweetheart! Congrats on being an aunt :)

Marcia - April 23, 2010 - 7:06 pm

Adrian, these are so precious! Thank you for sharing your family with us. What a joyful event!

Sharon Campbell - April 23, 2010 - 7:30 pm

Sweet girl!! I love her big brown eyes and I love the drooling : )

Becky - April 23, 2010 - 7:59 pm

Congratulations! What a gift for your family and you have captured it so beautifully! Best of luck!
PS – your sis looks JUST like you. :)

Andrea Caplinger - April 23, 2010 - 9:08 pm

Adrian! I am such a proud sister and a very excited mommy! You did such a beautfiul job! I can’t stop staring at them. Thank you so much again for giving us such a beautiful gift and capturing our first days together! I love you!

mandy whitley - April 23, 2010 - 10:08 pm

Beautiful! As a long distance aunt myself, I can tell you the missing them part doesn’t get easier :) But, skype and/or webcams help alot. Congrats to you and your family!

Matt Dudley - April 24, 2010 - 6:51 am

What a great story… congrats to your and your sis!

Lauren - April 24, 2010 - 12:44 pm


Jenn - April 26, 2010 - 10:28 am

She’s precious and seems happy and intelligent! Congrats to everyone! I am a birthmother & appreciate all the adoptive parents out there! Thank you for sharing this moment with us.

Joy Wilson - April 26, 2010 - 2:38 pm

Congratulations! I am so happy for your and your family. Abigail is precious!

David - April 26, 2010 - 3:08 pm

Aww, what a sweetheart! Congrats on being an aunt :)

Emily - April 27, 2010 - 7:49 am

Awhhh she is adorable!!! Congrats to you & your family!

Angela Disrud - April 28, 2010 - 12:23 pm

Congratulations to your family! Abigail is so beautiful! You did such a great job with the images! Thank you for interrupting the program with this story.

Jen Creed - May 7, 2010 - 1:34 pm

She is gorgeous! Congratulations to your family, adoption is such an amazing thing.

Earth Friendly Dog House

As you may already know, this week is earth week.  A time to consider ways we can be more energy efficient and think about ways to leave less of an imprint on our Earth. At my house, we try to make it as eco-friendly as possible, but what about the dog house? I saw these green roof doghouses, and just had to share!

As you can see, there are all different kinds of dog house designs, large and small that all come with a green roof. Green roofs are not only beautiful, but very beneficial. They provide insulation, clean run off water, and filter dust and particles. If Roxy is set on going green, this just might be the way to go!

In other news, have you read this amazing story of Lady the Golden Retriever who wouldn’t leave her deceased dad’s side? Dogs indeed are incredible beings.

Also I wanted to mention that the second annual “Siegel Cares for Pets” coffee house fundraiser to benefit Almost Home animal rescue is coming up. For the second year in a row, the wonderful students at Siegel Middle School have organized a benefit to help the animals in their care.  Tickets are $5 and can be purchased through emailing The event is  April 26, 2010 6:00pm – 7:30pm at Siegel Middle School in Murfreesboro TN.

Hope everyone is enjoy the beautiful weather this week!

Laura is the studio manager for Adrian Hitt Photography. She keeps things running smoothly behind the scenes and frequents the blog often with her tips on what’s going on in the dog world. In addition to her work here, Laura is exploring her interests in urban and environmental planning and enjoys sewing, paper crafts, gardening, photography and cooking. Laura lives in East Nashville and one day hopes to adopt a dog as sweet as Benny!

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CNA Training - April 26, 2010 - 10:43 pm

It’s posts like this that keep me coming back and checking this site regularly, thanks for the info!

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